Organic Yoni Herbs** help to cleanse, detoxify, balance, tone and tighten your most personal space. This cleansing blend includes Mugwort, Basil, Lavender and Chamomile. 1 oz can be used for 1-2 steams depending on your preference. Please take a moment to evaluate your Yoni’s current condition before indulging in personal steam session.
Physical Benefits:
Reduction in pain, bloating and exhaustion associated with menstruation
Decreases heavy menstrual flow
Regulation of irregular or absent menstrual cycles
More rapid healing and a toning of the reproductive system after giving birth
Eases discomfort of uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine weakness, uterine prolapse & endometriosis
Promotes healing of vaginal tear, episiotomy, or C-section scar
Helps to restore bacterial and PH balance to aid in prevention of infections, bacterial vaginosis and odors
Relief for symptoms of menopause including dryness or pain
Can tighten the vaginal canal
Emotional & Spiritual Benefits:
Allows modern day women the opportunity to reconnect to the ancestral wisdom of the womb
Release of stored emotions, anxiety and negative energy
Relieves tension
Helps with insomnia
Can help aid in healing from sexual trauma
If you are pregnant, after Insemination (IUI, IVF), are trying to become pregnant or are in ovulation
If you have any open cuts or sores
If you have any internal birth control
During your menstrual cycle
**This product is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose any disease or condition.
calendula, mugwort, mint, lavender, basil, raspberry leaf, Yarrow, Motherwort, Rose buds
New Noni Cleansing Herbs
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